La reina del pop, Madonna, cantará sus míticos “American Life”, “Like a Virgin” o “Hung Up” el próximo 25 de julio en la Feria de Muestras de Zaragoza. A pesar de ser una artista de renombre internacional, el éxito de ventas está siendo menor. Por el momento, ha conseguido vender 20.000 entradas de las 52.000 puestas a la venta.
El consejero de Cultura y Grandes Proyectos del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza, Jerónimo Blasco, no se ha mostrado preocupado porque asegura que “el Consistorio no tiene riesgos empresariales”. Además, ha mostrado “confianza” en que se incrementen las ventas con la promoción ofertada entre los aficionados del Real Zaragoza, que pueden adquirir su entrada con un descuento del 50%.
Blasco ha comparado la venta de entradas de Madonna con otras actuaciones como la de Bunbury “en la que está pasando exactamente lo mismo”.
Hasta que se lleguen a vender las 52.000 localidades que forman el aforo de la feria de muestras, los fans seguirán teniendo una oportunidad para presenciar lo que promete ser un concierto histórico.
El precio para ver la que será una de las tres únicas paradas en España del "Stick & Sweet Tour" oscila entre los 49 y los 250 euros, dependiendo del lugar reservado. El año pasado, más de 2,3 millones de admiradores pudieron ver a la diva del pop en 58 ciudades del mundo.
A pesar de lo que está pasando en Zaragoza, la artista ha roto todos los records de venta de entradas allí por donde ha pasado su gira, con 650.000 entradas vendidas en Sudamérica, 72.000 entradas en el concierto en el Dubendorf Airfield de Zurich (siendo el espectáculo que ha congregado más gente en el país) y 75.000 en Londres. Llegó a colgar hasta cuatro veces el cartel de “no hay entradas” en el Madison Square Garden de Nueva York (60.364 localidades).
Madonna tickets sell 20,000 to 52,000 a month
The queen of pop, Madonna, will perform their legendary "American Life," "Like a Virgin" or "Hung Up" next July 25 at the Zaragoza feria . Despite being an internationally renowned artist, the hit is minor. By now, it has managed to sell 20,000 of the 52,000 tickets put on sale. The Minister of Culture and Major Projects of the City Council of Saragossa, Jerónimo Blasco, was not worried because it ensures that the Consistory has no business risk. " Moreover, it has shown "confidence" that will increase sales with the promotion offered to fans of Real Zaragoza, who can purchase your entrance with a 50% discount. Blasco has compared Madonna's ticket sales with other actions such as the Bunbury "is going in exactly the same." Until you come to sell the 52,000 villages that make up the capacity of the trade fair, the fans still have a chance to witness what promises to be a historic concert. The price to see what will be one of the only three stops in Spain's "Stick & Sweet Tour" is between 49 and 250 euros, depending on the place reserved. Last year, more than 2.3 million fans watched the pop diva in 58 cities in the world. Despite what is happening in Saragossa, the artist has broken all records for ticket sales there where he spent his tour, with 650,000 tickets sold in South America, 72,000 tickets at the concert in Zurich Dübendorf Airfield (being spectacle that has brought more people in the country) and 75,000 in London. Came four times to hang up the poster of "no entry" at Madison Square Garden in New York (60,364 locations).
madonna explota en el verano europeo su sticky & sweet tour esta presente en todos lados

The queen of pop, Madonna, will perform their legendary "American Life," "Like a Virgin" or "Hung Up" next July 25 at the Zaragoza feria . Despite being an internationally renowned artist, the hit is minor. By now, it has managed to sell 20,000 of the 52,000 tickets put on sale. The Minister of Culture and Major Projects of the City Council of Saragossa, Jerónimo Blasco, was not worried because it ensures that the Consistory has no business risk. " Moreover, it has shown "confidence" that will increase sales with the promotion offered to fans of Real Zaragoza, who can purchase your entrance with a 50% discount. Blasco has compared Madonna's ticket sales with other actions such as the Bunbury "is going in exactly the same." Until you come to sell the 52,000 villages that make up the capacity of the trade fair, the fans still have a chance to witness what promises to be a historic concert. The price to see what will be one of the only three stops in Spain's "Stick & Sweet Tour" is between 49 and 250 euros, depending on the place reserved. Last year, more than 2.3 million fans watched the pop diva in 58 cities in the world. Despite what is happening in Saragossa, the artist has broken all records for ticket sales there where he spent his tour, with 650,000 tickets sold in South America, 72,000 tickets at the concert in Zurich Dübendorf Airfield (being spectacle that has brought more people in the country) and 75,000 in London. Came four times to hang up the poster of "no entry" at Madison Square Garden in New York (60,364 locations).
madonna explota en el verano europeo su sticky & sweet tour esta presente en todos lados
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